Lucy explores how as a NAKED PERSON, it's important to look after the NAKED BODY and the NAKED MIND and shares how she does this, personally, in a NEW SERIES of LUCY MUSE - NAKED PERSON (with help from ELLY RAINE)!
PLEASE NOTE that this film is a documentary about naked lifestyle and body positivity and NOT a sexually motivated venture. Please consider this in your commentary. Thank you!
Up Next in Latest Releases
What is DOPAMINE DRESSING? Lucy takes a look at how colourful clothes can affect our mood in a positive way!
12/04/22 - HAIR DRYING
Lucy has the longest long blonde hair. This time we catch her mid epic drying session, as she shares her naked routine and attempts to get ready for the day!
09/04/22 - MORNING WALK
Elly is energised after a nice long walk and chats all about healthy living and taking small steps towards a healthier lifestyle!